About Us



SABBATH Gatherings

  • 9:30 a.m. ADULT Sabbath Schools / Bible studies
    • Fireside Room (2 classes)
  • 11:00 a.m.  Message from Pastor Robert Kurtz or a Guest Speaker In-Person and Live Stream on Facebook
  • First and Third Sabbaths: Vegetarian Potluck Luncheon 

Upcoming Events

Weekly Small Groups and Gatherings


  • “LEANING” BODY COMPOSITION SUPPORT GROUP meets Tuesday’s at 6 p.m. in the Fireside Room. This course is ongoing support for living physically lean and living in a lean environment. It looks at body composition, & decluttering.
  • GRIEF RECOVERY 7 p.m. Fireside Room April-June (call (707) 963-4461 


  • WATERCOLOR GROUP with Dave & Dan meets each Wednesday from 10 a.m. – Noon in the Fireside Room. Bring your art supplies ~ Artists of all levels enjoy this gathering!
  • In-person Prayer Meeting with Jack DuBosque (or phone (707) 963-4461 to get the Zoom information): Fireside Room


      • FEELING GREAT Book Reading and Discussion in the Fireside Room 6:30 p.m.
      • NEDLEY Depression and Anxiety Recovery will run through March on Thursdays instead of "Feeling Great" book group.


  • GUITAR CLASS  Learn to play guitar with Dan Oliver 9:00-9:30 a.m. on the sanctuary platform.  Worship music.  Please check calendar for dates with no class

Seventh-day Adventists and Health

Seventh-day Adventists, a mainstream Protestant religious body, emphasize a holistic approach to health that integrates physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Their health philosophy is rooted in biblical principles and supported by modern science, encouraging a lifestyle that promotes longevity, vitality, and a close relationship with God.

Physical Health

Adventists advocate for a healthy lifestyle, emphasizing nutrition, exercise, rest, and temperance. Many follow a vegetarian or plant-based diet, avoiding harmful substances such as alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine. The Blue Zone study identified Adventists in Loma Linda, California, as one of the longest-living communities in the world, largely due to their diet, regular exercise, and strong social connections. Adequate rest and Sabbath observance also contribute to physical well-being by providing rejuvenation and stress relief.

Mental Health

Adventists emphasize mental clarity and emotional stability, recognizing the impact of lifestyle choices on mental health. They promote habits such as lifelong learning, positive relationships, gratitude, and stress management. Avoiding harmful substances and maintaining a strong sense of purpose also contribute to mental resilience. Regular time in nature, meditation on Scripture, and trust in God are seen as ways to reduce anxiety and enhance overall mental well-being.

Spiritual Health

Spirituality is central to Adventist health principles. They believe that a close relationship with God brings peace, purpose, and guidance. Practices such as prayer, Bible study, worship, and community service help individuals maintain a spiritually fulfilling life. The weekly Sabbath rest is considered a sacred time for reconnecting with God, family, and nature, reinforcing emotional and spiritual renewal.

The Whole-Person Approach

Adventists see health as a sacred responsibility, aligning with their belief that the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Their health message is not just about avoiding disease but about living abundantly—physically strong, mentally sound, and spiritually connected.

This holistic lifestyle has been shown to increase lifespan, reduce chronic illness, and enhance quality of life, making it a defining feature of Seventh-day Adventist faith and practice.


Coming to Visit the St. Helena SDA Church?

We warmly welcome you to the fellowship of our St. Helena family! Nestled in the heart of Napa Valley, our church is conveniently located on Highway 29, also known as Main Street in St. Helena. No matter where you're coming from, we'd be delighted to have you join us this Sabbath. As an active and engaged church, we believe there’s a special place for you on this journey with God.

Our Pastor

Come meet our Pastor, Robert Kurtz!

Longing to Serve Till Jesus Comes




Board of Elders
Board of Elders